Remembering Together Moray launches new book ‘Breathing. Being.’ at Elgin Library

At the end of March, the second phase of Remembering Together Moray concluded with the launch of a specially commissioned screenplay book, ‘Breathing. Being.’ by Chris Lee, inspired by the lived experiences of the people of Moray during the Covid pandemic. 

The book launch at Elgin Library saw people gather to meet the author Chris Lee, and to hear extracts from the specially commissioned screenplay read by local actor Lewie Watson. The book launch marked the final public event in the Remembering Together Moray project, which has seen around 1300 people across Moray participate during soundwalks, workshops and a concert in 2023.

The original screenplay ‘Breathing. Being.’ draws upon the lived experiences of people in Moray taken from conversations with individuals and community groups, alongside newspaper archives, which have been woven into a fictional narrative by writer Chris Lee. 

Reflecting on his experience of working on the commission, Chris commented:

Writing “Breathing. Being.” has been an interesting and challenging process. I have spent a lot of time listening to stories and anecdotes, discussing and swapping ‘lockdowns’ and imagining lives lived outside of one’s own experience whilst harnessing experience to make those imaginative leaps [...]I wanted to provide snapshots, touch experience in lots of different ways, but I also needed a real Covid story. An experience of a journey through the virus and into the ICU. Luckily,  I was able to speak to someone locally who had experienced that, had almost given up hope, but had found the strength to hang on and pull through. That story, and its aftermath of a difficult and traumatising recovery is what I hope gives the book some heart.

Local actor Lewie Watson voiced the audiobook version of Breathing. Being. and has also been involved in earlier aspects of the project, his original poetry featuring heavily in the soundwalk audio. Speaking of his involvement, Lewie commented:

I have loved being a part of the creative community catharsis of Remembering Together. The pandemic, in some ways, feels like it’s been brushed under the carpet, but my involvement in the soundwalks allowed me a moment of quiet reflection [...] The piece is an ensemble of isolated and isolating events, but by giving them a voice, I hope it allows a community to process together. I know I personally have done a huge amount of reflection being involved in the project. Breathing. Being. is a triumph, and I am absolutely delighted to be a small part of delivering it to the people of Moray”

The book is now available in all Moray libraries and school libraries and the audiobook is available to stream on SoundCloud and can also be accessed from the Remembering Together Moray webpage.



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