Artist Commission Callout

Remembering Together: Renfrewshire is seeking an experienced artist/maker to design and build three memorial pieces in Renfrewshire in collaboration with the Remembering Together: Renfrewshire team and the local community.

The purpose of the commission is to design and build THREE Covid memorials in Renfrewshire locations as identified by the team.

The commission will respond to the following outcomes, as requested by the people of Renfrewshire we engaged with:

  • It will be a place where you can sit

  • It will be a place where something new can grow

  • It will be a place to tell stories

  • It will be a place of permanence and future history

Who we’re looking for:

We are in search of an experienced artist/maker who can respond to the brief. Ideally, the commissioned artist will have strong connections with Renfrewshire. For example, live or work in Renfrewshire, or come from here. We are looking for an inspiring artist/maker with enthusiasm for a collaborative creative process. We would like our artist/maker to carefully consider the impact on the environment in their work. Potentially using recycled/carbon neutral materials.

How to apply:

Please send by email to the Creative Producer, Remembering Together Renfrewshire, Philippa Tomlin: with a maximum file size of 10MB, before Thursday 21st September at 5pm and include the following:

Subject line: Remembering Together Commission

  • A statement of no more than 600 words stating what interests you about the Remembering Together commission including a description of your practice and an initial idea of how you might respond to the brief.


    A video of a statement no more than 2mins long stating what interests you about the Remembering Together Commission including a description of your practice and how you might approach the brief. (We welcome applications in BSL)

  • Current CV (max 2 pages) or information about your company (this could be a website or portfolio)

  • Up to 4 examples of past work that you feel best supports your application – this can be in any form (images, films, texts, testimonials, links to online video or other online resources).

  • If you are willing, please also complete the Equalities Monitoring form as part of your application

We are interested in processes that are responsive and adaptive, demonstrate a commitment to collaborative working and give a clear idea of the creative skills and tools you bring to fulfilling this community led brief. We are open to joint proposals or those from companies. If you have any questions you’d like answered before submitting your application, please contact Philippa Tomlin, Creative Producer:

Links and downloads:

Full commission brief and how to apply

Equal opportunity form - Erskine Arts


Meet the Makers


Remembering, Reflecting and Moving Forward…